úterý 14. října 2008

A beautiful memory on a beautiful Köln...

This is a very beautiful city - notice that I did't say "the most beautiful one in the world", but it's b e a u t i f u l. That's clear. My words can't describe this beauty well enough. What is so strong about it? My personal feeling. Something inside tells me that I had to live there once. (Or maybe more than once : - ) You certainly have "your" city or place that evoke similar feelings in you. It doesn't mean that I can orientate myself in it without problems. (Actually my sence of orientation has been always quite poor.) But I always feel like at home here. And the mentioned poor sence of orientation doesn't matter, anyway. In such a beautiful city you don't need it. You are so filled by beautiful feelings and emotions that you'll always find your way. And concerning Köln (or Cologne - in English) the towers of Dome are so high that they can be seen from everywhere, nearly : - ) A good orientation point. As you can see from the video the Dome is built in gothic style. The decorations are made so precisely, each detail is elaborated. This also means that it needs a special care. It is very vulnerable to bad weather. Fortunatelly the state invests enough money to it's continuous reparations. So you can see scaffolds there. Always on different parts. I've been there for three times and it has been always there
: -) Actually, the cathedral have never been finished. Maybe because of the gothic sensitiveness. There is always something to improve or repair. Cologners have a saying that if the reparations and improvements ends it will be the end of the world. So, let's hope that it will still take some time thought we will never see the cathedral without the scaffold. It's beautiful even with it, anyway : - )

This is a video from September of this year. The quality isn't the best but it best catches the atmosphere. I also wanded to add some photos here but unfortunatelly I've lost my flash-disc somewhere, so maybe next time. I hope I'll find it...

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